Dear Gentle Reader,
As you have probably deduced by now, I am writing here everyday of 2008. It hasn't always been fun for me, and I know it hasn't always been fun for you either. The powers that be in the Blog 365 world have themes each month that people can use to kick start, re-start, or re-vamp a blog. I have never used these because . . . well I don't really know why. I guess, mostly, it is because I hate to conform. I don't want to conform to their themes. You may say, "But Katie, isn't the fact that you are blogging 365 days a year a bit conformist to the idea of Blog 365?" And to that I would answer, "No, because there were only about 1,000 people on the list when I signed up. So not signing up would have been going with the flow." See my logic? I astound myself. Anyway, I got the theme for April last week. And the more I thought about it the more I realized that this month's theme is something I would like to tackle.
Without further ado, I give you April's Theme: Letters. Yes, you heard it correctly, letters. I am going to write a letter every day for the month of April. I may just write it here, I may actually send it, I may write no one in particular (like today), or I may even write you. Doesn't the thought of me writing you a letter just fill you with anticipation. I know some of you are thinking right now, "Oh, I hope she picks me this month." And indeed, I may. I may change some names to protect the innocent . . . and the guilty.
So I hope you like this month. I do not promise it will be more interesting than any other month. I do not promise to even follow through with this for all 30 days.