
It was all a blur

Well I was over at my friend Ben's blog and he had Coldplay's new video up. I have said this before and I will say it again about Coldplay - you had me at Yellow.

Anyway, after the video was over I saw a few others that might be of interest (you know how YouTube does that don't you?

Anyway - I saw Blur's video: Music Is My Radar, and I just had to share it for a few reasons:
1. They are all wearing helmets
2. I love choreography

As far as Ben's 1970 year book picture, I can't take total credit - I saw it first from Kim. Anyway, if I had graduated in 1974 with my mother I would have looked like this:

1 comment:

636benjamin said...

very nice katie, thanks for pimpin my blog!

Also, I had to type diplid to post this. ha ha.