So yesterday I promised you a Thanksgiving wrap up and some big news. Being that the news is HUGE I will keep that for last and you can scroll down if you want to jump ahead.
Thanksgiving was great! Turkey and mash potatoes for everyone! If you know me well you know I love mashed potatoes. Love them so much that I will risk my health to eat them. Doesn't that sound so dramatic? Really I don't risk my health to eat them, but they are really on the "do not eat" list I made earlier this year when I was battling my elbow trouble. Now that I don't punish my body everyday by simply going to work I don't have the elbow trouble so, in turn, I ate mashed potatoes. Did I mention they are my favorite . . . well that and deviled eggs - and I had plenty of those as well. Got to see my family and spend a couple of days with them, and was also able to introduce them to a friend of mine that they have been wanting to meet. I am very thankful for my family (those I saw and those I didn't get to see) mostly because they have and still are there for me every step of the way, no matter what crazy decisions I make. So it is just good to spend some time with them.
So the BIG NEWS! I got my hairs cut. All of them. I went from this:

To this:

Not really, I did this:
There are times where I wish I had the guts to do the other picture, mainly because I think Sigourney Weaver is so cool in the Alien movies. But I don't think I can pull it off. Anyway all that hair went to Locks of Love. Took me 18 months to grow it and in the last month or two it really hasn't grown at all, so I think 10" is my limit. As you know, I don't really care about my hair. Never have. Hair is just that, hair. It will grow back . . . unless you are a bald man and in that case if you've got it flaunt it, in my opinion. But I did have some anxiety when she took that first cut on Friday. At that point there was no going back unless I wanted to have half my head short and half long. I haven't quite decided if I like it or not - but it is growing on me (pun intended). I do use a lot less shampoo and it dries so much quicker.
So that's the big news. And you thought it was going to be something cooler. In my life there is nothing cooler. But I did spare you from a video blog, and that is a calendar day.
the new 'do looks great on you! it was just about that length most of the time you were in STL, right? Congrats on doing LOL. That's a great thing to do.
your hair is shorter than mine is now!!
Hair looks cute. I like it short!!! Miss you!! I also heard of some other news? Sharing any of that!!!
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