
Well I Did Go Running

I did not run on Friday. Not sure why, I just didn't. I figured I could run on Saturday. My plan was to get up a little early and head over to the gym before going to Tulsa to meet up with my mom. Well the gym doesn't open until 10 on Saturday. I had to leave at 10. Needless to say I got up early and went for a run outside. I was so discombobulated. I forgot what it was like to run in the cold, forgot my watch, didn't really feel like I was in any running rhythm until about the time I finished, and I didn't listen to any music so I could listen for cars (running on no shoulder is a little nerve racking for me). But I did run.

Run Distance: 2
Run Time: ???
Feeling: see above
Soundtrack: the sound of my feet on pavement rather than a treadmill

Anyway, yesterday was a big meeting between the parents and Adam and I (sans my Dad who is down in Texas). I spent most of the day saying "I don't know". I am not sure when that answer will change, but when it does I'm sure they will be the first to know.

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