
What If?

What if I was fake before and now this person that is here is my reality? What if I was just covering up the truth for so long that this is what came out of that? A person who doesn't really know what they want, who they are, or how to relate to others. Is it a fair assumption that maybe that was all fake before, and I am just now discovering who I am and how I fit into this world? What if all the hurt, shame, and guilt that I have felt for so long has made me this way - does it last forever? Or will I emerge on the other side - not really being who I was before, and not really being who I am now? Can I move past the expectations of my family and frends, can I move past their judgement, can I move past my own pain to become that person? It is possible that this point in my life is just a growing pain. A growth that is taking me from who I was to who I will be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha, well, the beauty of the Nap Buddy system is that it's just like the typical 'sex buddy' system, just minus the sex part...it's someone you know well, who's just a good fit to nap with. nothing more, nothing less. so, the creepiness you speak of shouldn't be there. heh.