
On The Road Again

As you know I am constantly dissatisfied with my blog. I write too much, not enough, talk too much on a video blog, don't really have anything to say and end up rambling . . . whatever I have said it all. Along with that dissatisfaction comes changes to the overall blog. So, if you see changes over the next couple of days just know it is all apart of the natural ebb and flow of my brain typed out on the internet machine.

Day 1:

  • Said "hello" to a couple of old friends that I have kept in the dark for a month or two

  • Run time: 30 minutes (5 warm up, 20 run, 5 cool down)

  • Run distance: 2.10 (.20 warm up, 1.60 run, .30 cool down)

  • Feeling: Good! I wanted to run a bit more, but I thought maybe since I have slacked off for so long it would be best to ramp things up slowly. Looking for a 5K to run in the spring and MAYBE I will get the guts to sign up for the Tulsa run in October. My original plans when I moved of running the OKC Memorial Marathon in April are long gone.


Carin and Michael Schindler said...

Are you running outside? I cannot even walk in cold - my asthma gets triggered. I miss you girl - sorry I haven't called back - the holidays were a little crazy.

KatieSmyth said...

I HAVE THOSE SHOES!!!! I've been kicking my butt lately too...and I promise I'll email soon. :)