Yesterday was Blog Action Day . . . or something like that. As a blogging community we were suppose to write about the environment . . . or something. As you can tell by my blog I didn't write anything political yesterday, and usually I don't. Why stray away from that now? For those of you who know me in real life - I'm not generally a political person, nor do I join bandwagons like the environment, or the elections. Am I off the wagon, or on the wagon? I don't remember which. I care about the environment, so I recycle when I remember, try to reuse things, and try to minimize my garbage. That isn't a bandwagon, that is just adjusting my life to do some things that can help. I stay up on current political trends, mostly just to know who I am going to vote for - but again, no agenda. I vote and that is the end of it. I'm not going to spend my time telling you who to vote for and why. Basically, I don't care enough. Maybe that is a problem, maybe that is apathy, maybe it is what more people should do, or maybe I should be more involved. Either way, I'm sticking to what works for me for now.

Well I have a new gig. Since my last post I have another new gig. So two new gigs. For one I was hired yesterday and I start today. It is at Jimmy John's - the best sandwich in town. I know there is a lot of debate over that fact, but its science. I use to eat at Jimmy John's all the time. I would eat there about 2 times a week, more if I had the money or the time. After awhile I quit going, because I realized that their whole operation was a gimmick. Every restaurant has a gimmick and I hate that. I just want to eat food. What I liked about JJ's is that there was no gimmick (I thought at the time). They were against the system, they ran against the grain, they had shirts dripping with sarcasm, and walls covered in signs and art that were just as drippy. What I began to realize is that wasn't anti-gimmick, that was the gimmick. So I quit going. Well this recent drought of work has put me in a position to take jobs I wouldn't normally take, so I went in and got the job. I'm excited. It isn't going to make me a lot of money, but I will be making some, and I can be pretty flexible on the hours for the most part. I may work a week and hate it, but I'm hoping not.

My other gig starts tomorrow. I will be working with The Bridge St. Louis. It is part time, for now, with building hours as time goes on. My hope is that I can gradually increase this and slowly phase out JJ's. Again, not going to make my fortune here, but the dividends are great. Mostly I will be a personal assistant until things really get moving, then I can phase into a permanent job with a different title. I am mostly excited about this one, since it is ultimately what I want to be doing with my life.
So that is about it I think. I'm actually kind of sad that my vacation is over. It was a month long, but I think I should have used it better. Oh well, I was being cautious in case I couldn't find a job.
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