Today I took a vacation. You didn't know I was going on a vacation? I didn't really either - I just decided yesterday I was going to take one. One day, that was all I was taking. Driving less than 2 hours to my destination and come hell or high water I was going to go. Come to find out it was rain that threatened my speedy trip . . . but that comes later.
I went to Onondaga Cave State Park. Never heard of it? Neither had I
. I spent lunch time on a guided tour of the cave. There were 5 other people along (I thought kids were in school). It was pretty neat. I have been on several cave tours over my lifetime, I like them very much. Once, when I was in high school I went spelunking with a group - no tour, just you and a flashlight (and a prayer that you didn't get lost). The history of the cave was neat, and the formations were spectacular. No pictures - it was too dark in there and I didn't want the flash to bother people. So here is a picture from the website.

Before going into the cave I had decided to walk the two trails there to get some time away from the noise. After leaving the cave I was standing in a rain storm. I got in my car to leave, but I took one last drive around the park. I decided on the drive that I wasn't going to leave - so I drove to one of the trail heads and set off. I have done dumber things in my life, but this was something I needed to do. I walked on for a while, loosing all track of time and distance. I could hear the thunder in the distance, but I was barely getting wet because of the tree cover. I knew I wasn't in the main storm yet, just the outskirts of rain. I listened as the thunder came closer. I debated on turning around and going back - but I wasn't sure how far I had gone. I could be close to the end, or less than half way. So I tucked my head down and headed on, not really knowing what the rest of the trail would hold for me. The downpour came - but I didn't get completely wet, I was still protected by the trees. The storm raged all around me, but where I was had a calm to it. I came to a fork in the road. Go over to the next trail and another 3 miles, or stay on the first trail with little more to go. I decided to just head back to the car. I had had enough foolish adventure for one day.
So that sums it up I guess. Short vacation, but good for me none the less.
1 comment:
Yogi Berra, one of the foremost thinkers of our time (along with the Scarecrow & George W Bush) once said "When you come to the fork in the road, take it". It sounds like you came to the fork in the road of your vacation time, and decided you'd had enough, and you took it.
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