"What could make Katie's blog better? Gee, I can't think of anything right now - it seems so great already. Everything I could ever want is all here."
I totally agree, but I am finding more and more people have one picture or two to illustrate their blog point, or just to have up to say "I'm obsessed with famous people, so I am going to put up all the trash the paparazzi take." (a blog I saw recently, that made me worry about the future of our country and our obsession with famous people that have no value other than to look good in movies.) So, maybe that is what I will start doing - posting a picture. It may or may not have ANYTHING to do with the blog for that day. I will let you be the judge.
Either way - the picture today is from my first Photo Shop class. I am teaching myself Photo Shop and this was the first lesson. The picture I was given was all bright, and I had to make the one coin stand

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