
Not Too Shabby

Not too shabby considering a few things:
  1. I didn't' want to do this in the first place
  2. I don't have any of the tools to do this
  3. Yes, I used Crayola pencils
  4. Yes, that is a dog leash right next to the picture
  5. Yes, that is my favorite pencil - given to me by a friend
  6. I changed my mind a million times trying to get it to look just right
  7. I didn't have any of the right paper
  8. I didn't have my markers . . . I'm really sad about the no markers business
  9. Color pencils are not my strong suit

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey those aren't too shabby! I have come to realize that most of the time the only person who notices or gives a poop is the one doing the drawing! Clients could care less and are only interested in the bottom line!