TONIGHT I HAD THE MOST AMAZING TIME! I went with some friends of mine to the Australian Pink Floyd concert. They are really good. I have never been to see the real Pink Floyd, but I'm sure these guys were pretty dead on. I could go on and on about why they are probably just as good, but I won't. I took some terrible video and pictures with my phone, but I had to capture some of it.
I spent the day listening to Dark Side of the Moon (The concert that they were imitating),
and then I spent the rest listening to Echos (The Greatest Hits) to brush up on my PF knowledge. I had it turned up so loud on my computer that I could hear it upstairs. Off to the concert, and they didn't disappoint me. From an awesome laser light show, to the can lights, to the video, to the sound, to the fog machine (and some second hand help from audience members), to the gigantic blow up pig and kangaroo. They played for about 3 hours, and left me wanting more. Oh yeah, and we had amazing seats! It was sensory overload with the sights, sounds, and even smells.

All in all, I don't think I can adequately describe my night and the day leading up to it. For a long time I thought of PF as depressing music, the stuff you listen to when life really sucks - and I think that sometimes that is really true. I categorize that mood that goes with that music as "Floydian". It is a phrase that I came upon with a friend of mine. But today it was different. There was an excitement, an anticipation, and a satisfaction that came with that "Floydian" feeling, and it made it that much better. I know that PF is depressing, and that most of the time they are talking about very political things, or personal tragedy, etc., but I am finding more and more in it as time goes on.
Again, not a great video - but just a slice of what you would have seen. If I could put all my video on here I would, just so you could get a bigger picture. This is the opening of the second act:
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