

I feel like I should come here and write - and possibly say something profound. I've got nothing. I spend my days working. While I'm working I think about movie quotes. Current quotes of choice include most (if not all) of the exchanges between Dustin Hoffman and Will Ferrell in Stranger Than Fiction. "Aren't you relieved to know you are not a Gollum?" Add a smattering of "Do anarchists meet?" and "I don't need a patch Penny, I smoke cigarettes." and you have yourself one hell of a day. I like working my job. And I'm not saying that because I had a bad day today and people worry that I might up and quit without warning. I am saying it because I do. In general I like it. I'm doing what I went to school for. Can you say the same thing for yourself? No, you can not. But things always come around for me, and I ask myself the same question - "Isn't there more?" And the answer is - yes, but you just aren't there yet.

Are you the king of anything?
King of anything?
Like king of the lanes at the local bowling alley?
King of the lanes?
King of the lanes? King of the trolls?
King of the trolls?

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