
You've been GREd

I have climbed out from under the GRE rock, so back to life as usual. I was commenting today to a friend (on our run - can you believe it, I ran today) that when I worked around a computer most of the day I would come home and get back on the computer for a long time. Now that I don't work around a computer and can only check my email about once or twice a day, I come home and check my email and pretty much walk away for the night. There could be many explanations. I have my own assumptions, you can have yours - sound like a deal?

GRE . . . not what I had planned, but it is over. I don't think my basement score will keep me out of grad school, should I decide to go, but it was pretty much an ego buster. So what do I do now? I sit around and read books. Well that is what I did all day yesterday. Today? I blog while listening to Jon Foreman. Depressing because it started on his Winter CD rather than the Spring or Summer set.

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