

My runner number: 2146 (not that many runners, they just started the numbers at 2000)
The distance: 5K
My time: 30:30 (ish, I haven't seen the official results)

I have been running since March (??? help me out) and it has been a slow process to get me to where I am now running about an hour every other day (depending on the work I did that day and the temperature). I would like to run more, but it is getting so dang hot and my job is pretty physical. I want to say at the end of the summer I would do a half marathon - but I wonder if that is too ambitious given what my summer holds by way of transitions and changes. Either way I rand the 5K and did it in a better time than I have ever run in my whole life. A 10 minute mile is unheard of in my life - there is no hustle in this muscle, but I guess maybe I was wrong. I do have one regret - I didn't beat the purple socks girl . . . my muscle was out of hustle, or I just didn't care enough, not sure which.

1 comment:

R. Morris said...

Wanna be my running buddy? I need some motivation! I want to run a 10k in the fall and have a lot of work to get to that point!