
Too Much

I have just realized that I am doing too many things at once. Not in life (that is debatable), but currently on my computer. I have iTunes open (but not listening . . . ponder that one a bit), working in Word, in Photoshop, Blogger is open, and flickr is loading. Can I truly give my full attention to any of the above mentioned programs if I am working on them all at once. Granted a few of them are open for the same reason, but goodness me that is a lot.

I, personally, have been on a blog hiatus. Not because I don't like blogging, or because I don't like any of you that read the blog - I just don't have anything all that interesting to say (nor do I ever). I fear that I have become . . . boring. Granted I may have more to say the closer I get to my move to Oklahoma, but all in all this life change has just made me shut my mouth a little bit. I don't think the blog has been helped much by my job. A place where I can go and be alone with my thoughts for 8 hours a day and so I don't really need to talk about them much. Yes, I have said this all before - and I will shut up about it. But that is the real reason I asked someone else to write a bit. I hoped it would give me time to think of something on my own, or at least spur me on to write. It did neither, but it did give me a chance to beg them to write some more.

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