
While I Was Out

I do apologize for being absent. It isn't really like you are all sitting on pins and needles waiting for an entry anyway, so quit.

Well I had a great Thanksgiving. I went to see Dad. Every visit gets better and better. I see him so differently now that I have grown up, and he has grown up. It was really good to get away from St. Louis for awhile. I love St. Louis, but everything has it's limit with me, and I had hit it about a month ago. It was good to just get out of town, maybe some of you can relate. Sometimes just a change of scenery can be good.

I feel like things are stale here. This is not a dig at anything, or anyone here - it is all just . . . stale. I feel like I am stuck, not really knowing what to do next. Do I keep working where I work? People keep telling me to quit. Do I go onto something new? But what would that be, I don't know how to do anything else. Do I go back to school? Where would I find the money for that?

I have been itching to see Shop Girl for a month now. I had it all worked out to go, even people who would actually go and see it with me (my taste in movies is not for everyone). The show time I picked no longer exists. It existed this morning, but not now. So I am at a loss. I gear myself up to look forward to something, only to be let down (could that be about more than just the movie?).

I might have more later. Big things happening this weekend - fundraising and visits from my mom, but no Shop Girl.

It did snow here on Thursday. Not enough to stick to the ground, but enough to make me smile.

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