
Oh, the humanity

Man, is it ever cold here right now. Snow is sticking around for a bit longer than usual, and I think we are suppose to have more on Friday.

Run Time: 5, 28, 5
Run Distance: 2.5
Feeling: good, but I forgot what it was like to run longer than about 20 minutes. Oh the days of the hour long runs I use to enjoy. Maybe someday I will be back at those (just not right now during thesis time).
Soundtrack: nothing. It was brutal. I forgot my iPod at home so I just looked outside while I ran and counted tennis balls in the pool. Why would there be tennis balls in the pool? Well because the tennis courts are right next to the pool, duh. I do enjoy watching tennis. But our players don't really play here much anymore. Any match that has been advertised has been in Tulsa or Oklahoma City. Maybe they will play more here in the spring. I can't wait.

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