This is my dog Addie (she's the one on the right). She doesn't like to have her picture taken, that is why she looks shy. Addie is just like me except she was born a dog. I found her at a pet adoption place a little over a year ago, and can not imagine my life without her (isn't that kind of sad). When I got Addie she was really shy. She still comes to be pet with her head down, unsure of what will happen. When she first meets people she is very stand-offish, but once she gets to know you she won't quit. She is unsure of herself, a little self-conscious and loves naps. She hates it when people mess with those she loves, and she is not too sure how she feels about kids. She loves to eat and take long naps, or to just stare out the window at nothing in particular. She is quite content to just sit by me not saying anything, just sitting.
Sound like anyone you know?
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