

Hi, my name is Katie and I am a cynic. I am also a second hand smoker, but that is a different meeting. For those of you who don't own a dictionary and can't really pinpoint what a cynic is, they are "a person who has little faith in human sincerity and goodness." Life seems to be easier as a cynic. As a cynic you don't really have to care about people because you don't ever trust them. For instance, I don't believe a word you say; therefore I can't be hurt by what you say. At the same time if you say something good, I don't believe you then either. So there is the good and the bad.

Good: you can't hurt me because I don't think you know what the hell you are talking about. Bad: you can't help me because I don't think you sincerely want to say those good things.

Some of you might be thinking - "what kind of life is that? How do you care or love?" Simple, I don't. If you don't trust, if you don't love, if you don't care - you can't get hurt.

Now the bright side of this depressing post - I am trying to change. I have been for a few months. I have been striving to see the good. I have not only been striving to see the good, I have been trying to believe it. So don't be alarmed when I laugh in your face when you say something nice, inside I am really tying to process it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha, the 'second hand smoker' comment....i actually used that last week when talking to some smokers i had to ride with....it's the truth, i don't smoke, but other people's smoke really doesn't bother me that much....which is kinda scary, i guess...