

I had a dream last night that Obama and I were carpooling to church. What was funny about this is that I guess from the way I acted about it it was a regular occurrence. I mean not totally regular because of all his travel during the election, but in my dream the carpooling was normal. We talked about the election, and about his time in the White House. He was looking forward to it (obviously) but he was upset about something. I don't know what he was upset about, but I don't remember that part of the conversation - only that he was tense. When we got to church it wasn't any big deal. We just walked in. I don't know if we drove home together because I woke up in the middle of slides.

I don't put a lot of stock in dreams - but it was almost like this one was saying to me, we are all in this together. You are probably reading the dream and saying, "how in the world do you get that?" Well because we were. We were living life together. I don't mean in the same house, but just together, like a community. We are all (Americans) in this next four years together. I don't know if you voted for the guy or not, and you don't know if I voted for him or not - and none of that matters, because we are now all in this thing called life together. I don't know what the next four years are going to be like, but I am behind him. I am behind him because he was chosen to lead. Just like I was behind Bush because he was chosen to lead (and because he is totally HAWT). I may not always agree (because I didn't always agree with Bush, that's for sure), but I am behind him. That is what we are called to as a nation whether we voted for him or not.

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