

. . .love was such an easy game to play.

No really, yesterday. The votes are still being counted, but we have a new President Elect. I think that it is funny that the people I talk to fall into two camps.
  1. Yes We CAN! He is our hope! You are an idiot for voting for that other guy!
  2. Oh My GOSH! We are all in so much trouble. We may all die, I can't believe everyone voted for that guy.
And why do I find that funny and worthy to write about? There is NO IN BETWEEN! I don't believe Obama is the political version of the messiah, but neither is he the political version of the anti-christ. Can we please just all look at the bigger picture. The world is still turning at the same speed, at the same angle, and the sun came up this morning like it was suppose to. I was reading a bit of Shane Claiborne yesterday as the results were coming in (yes, I watched them on TV - scandal of scandals) and he said something that struck me. He was talking about an election and the idea that we can't really put all of our hope into one day, one vote, one candidate, or one party. I abandoned hope in the party system a long time ago, and I chose about a year ago to let go of the idea that one man or woman (Hillary was running at the time) will not make this country all better, or go into the toilet (take out of wrapper, place directly in toilet - Lean Pocket). Does that make me un-American? No. It just makes me someone who isn't going to argue with you until I am blue in the face, or yell at the top of my lungs while you are doing the same. Some may say that is a cop out, but I don't really care. I'm not trying to be middle of the road, or PC, I'm just being honest. There is a middle road here. Obama is now President Elect. Are our problems of a nation over? No. Is there going to be change? Yes. Will he do the best he can in this job? Yes. Will he make some mistakes? Yes. Would McCain have tried his best? Yes. Would he have made some mistakes? Yes. That is the point. They are both human. They will try their best, and each would have made mistakes. Mistakes will happen, that is life. You have to learn to deal with your mistakes, their mistakes, and move on. Pray for this new guy in the White House - he is going to need it in this volatile world we live in. I know I am.

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