
Catch 22

What do you do when some of the people you have looked up to your entire life show themselves as not worthy of looking up to? Maybe not completely unworthy, but just say and do things that seem entirely out of character. Do you chalk that up to old age, or just a change? Or has that been hiding under the surface the whole time, but they are just now showing it because they are too tired to hide it anymore? What do you do when the person you vowed never to be like, shows you that they might - in fact - be the one you should have modeled yourself after? And then you come to that realization, only to discover you are just like them? Do you feel happy or sad? Happy that you are like them, despite what you thought? Or sad that you didn't know them at all?

That was a use of a lot of words and bad punctuation, to not really say anything at all.

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