
Let's Give Them Something To Talk About

There is so much I want to talk about today. Every time I think about today's post I think of something different to put on here. I have seen several funny videos in the last 12 hours and wanted to post every one. Then there is the weekend to talk about. Just as a side note - an unexpected occurrence is not necessarily bad. Even if it is something I don't know how to talk about - some things just take me by such surprise and leave me speechless (rare, I know). So thank you for those of you who have called or left me kind words in my mail box, everything is fine, everyone is fine. So anyway I can't narrow it down to what I want to post today. So I will give you a list so that I know what to write about over the next week or so. The list isn't so much for you as it is for me.
  1. Sunday's unexpected
  2. Monday's unexpected
  3. Dog Years video
  4. Ellen videos
  5. Iron Man trailer/upcoming movies report
  6. My commission

I'm going to talk about my commission today. I have read and heard from some artists this statement "I have a commission of _____ to finish by the end of the week." I thought, how cool to be so great that someone would commission you to do something like that. I realized that they aren't that cool because I have been asked to do landscape designs, installs, etc. and that was really just a commission. I was commissioned to design a wall for a friend and put it in. Not cool, nothing cool about it. I had a great time, but that doesn't make me cool. ANYWAY, I have had a real commission. I am to design a business card for my dad. Some may say it doesn't count because he is my dad, but it TOTALLY counts because it is my dad. It is like my dad said, your work is great, make me something. That sort of thing just doesn't happen on a whim in my world. So anyway, I have complete design block - more frozen in fear of what will come or not come out of me. So, hopefully by Friday I will have some concrete ideas for him.

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