
Sun . . . shine

I just spent the last hour or so (so being anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes, because I don't remember the exact time I went outside) sitting in the sun reading and, subsequently, dozing. My foul disposition of the last week seemed to melt away for awhile, but then I remembered I had to go to work tonight and it seemed to rally back with vengeance. I don't think I'm handling things well, and I don't really know what to do - God help me if I have to go back to a counselor, I think that would send me over the edge. Normally the thought of recounting my life to a stranger seems so freeing and amazing. But these days I would rather poke myself in the eye with a sharp stick because I know that this is just a phase of transition and loss and eventual recovery, not a life long sorrow.

So when you ask me what I did today, don't be surprised if I say:
"I was just sitting here with my stick enjoying the sun . . . shine."

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