
On with the list

  1. Sunday's unexpected
  2. Monday's unexpected
  3. Dog Years
  4. Ellen videos
  5. Iron Man trailer/upcoming movies report
  6. My Commission

Sunday's unexpected . . . what to say about it all. I don't know if it was something that was "unexpected" as it was something that made me take a step back and see, once again, that I am not going through all this turmoil of the last 6 months alone. There is Someone with me every moment. I went home for a few days to see my mom and my grandparents. I went to church with my mom and saw people that I always see when I am home. But I spent a lot of time with one gentleman that I rarely talk to. It isn't that we don't like talking to one another, it is just that he is usually very busy with the business of church . . . fighting the urge of a rabbit trail about churches and how they have become a business . . . must fight harder! OK . . . so, we don't talk much usually because I spend very little time in that church of my early 20's and he is usually busy with other things that need to be taken care of there. Anyway, he was asking me about my job(s) and I was talking to him about a very recent opening in St. Louis to work at the community college in the horticulture department. I am very conflicted about this decision. One, because I feel like I have made a commitment to where I am and that ministry. And second, because it was back in a related field to what I left . . . and there are more than a couple of reasons why I don't work there anymore. So he proceeded to lay out my options in a way that I had never had it all laid out to me before. A way that made me feel at total peace about what to do next. As you travel toward your destination, you have to work. Make your tents (as it were), and when it is time to quit making tents move on. Some of you have no idea what that means, but in context it made perfect sense.

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