

Dear Markers,

It has been so long, I really miss you. I can never get you back, you belong to someone else - but I wish you belonged to me. I heard that your new owner doesn't even use you to your potential. I am afraid that is pretty typical of most of the people there. I say most, because there are at least 2 guys there that get you, and understand all of your capabilities, but those who have access to you and could really use you are not going to. I have been thinking about you a lot lately. Maybe it is because on my last few art things I have had to use pens and colored pencils, sometimes even crayons. This makes my heart sad. While there is great value in colored pencils, I really find my joy with you.

I hope you find a good home . . . I will miss you. I think I am going to go find some of your friends and bring them to my house. Would that be OK? I am not abandoning you, but I do need to move on. I am sorry.

Love Always,

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