
is taking a quick break from songs to ask if anyone has an old ATT phone I can buy or have

It is just as it says. For awhile now we have been joking about the "strobe light function" my phone has. The screen blinks on and off. Now it is more of a "blank screen function". It is on for about 3 seconds then there is just a blank stare. There are a lot of options for a gal like me needing a phone - but many of them are expensive, some are out of the question, and others are just plain a headache. I don't really want to re up my plan for 2 year, but I might have to . . . unless you have an old ATT phone that will take a SIM card.

1 comment:

636benjamin said...

did you get a phone yet? I know someone that has one you may be able to have. Also, not at all to make you jealous (ok, maybe a little) I will probably be getting an iPhone soon through my business, in which case you could totally have my palm. Let me know.

Also, (I know, I know, waaaaay to long a comment), thanks for guest blogging, that was awesome.