
says, one and one and one is three.

Well today was totally different that yesterday - in the fact that there was nothing picture worthy today. We did hang the swings this afternoon, and maybe I should have taken a photo of that.

Anyway, today's lyric comes from a Beatles song: Come Together. Ben talked about mash ups today on his blog - and come to find out that is what I was going to talk about today. Today's lyric is also a part of one of my favorite DJ Earworm mash up: Together As One. He has been doing these for awhile now and has them available for download on his site . . . for free. I haven't been back to his site in many months, and when I visited this afternoon he had released a plethora of new music! Very exciting!

Sorry if this post seems a little disjointed - maybe it is just how I write. But today I am trying to multi-task while writing. Downloading the new DJ Earworm stuff, writing the blog, going to get links to incorporate to the blog, and listening to pieces of the songs I am downloading.

Anyway the songs in the video are:
U2 - One
Beatles -Come Together
Diana Ross - Someday We’ll be Together
Mariah Carey - We Belong Together

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