
wants to be a paperback writer

Ben asked me to be a guest blogger (well he asked all his readers, and I volunteered and then he agreed) so today was my day - hence the status update. Anyway, I just posted that which has to be one of the most sappy posts I think I have ever written. I'm just going to leave it at that.

Just so we are up to date (because it matters in the space time continuum that we find ourselves trapped in) other status updates that I have not shared include:
  • can't live on bologna sandwiches (as in the "hidden song" from Down Here that says, "Rock stars need money, they can't live on bologna sandwiches. Rock stars need money and it comes from you, and you, and you, and you . . . and you.")
  • wonders if she had a hammer, would she hammer in the morning

My life has been pretty devoid of any news besides the weather and how cold it has been, so I have chosen not to talk about it. It is cold, I need to get over it. Back to the blogging thing I have an observation. Of my blog I think I may have 5 readers that regularly visit the site, or have me on a blog reader roll, or something. I may be generous by saying 5. Some may stumble upon it, say "oh that is nice that she has a blog" and never come back. I'm good with that. I'm good with all that. I think I may have had 3 good posts over the life of this blog, my personal favorite being one where I said that Darth Vader was my hero. Ben, on the other hand has many, many more readers. One, because he knows so many people, and two he is a hilarious writer. Blogging is one of those things that becomes kind of a community of people. He has 5 guest bloggers while he is out of town, and in turn those people get some traffic that they may not have originally had. He had another friend of mine write one yesterday. John did a great job, and because of that and my little link here he may get a bit more traffic. There are much larger blogs - say Dooce, that gets hundreds of thousands of people visiting every day (I think that is a conservative estimate), that have friends with the same number of visitors daily - and they guest blog for one another, and it just grows into something bigger and bigger. I think blogs mimic what happens in life. I have a friend, and then I meet their friends, and in the end it just grows bigger and bigger into our realms of influence. Well, that growth of influence is going on right now in my living room, and I have neglected it long enough. I had some things I needed to do (i.e. Ben's blog) and now that is done - so I am off to interact with the living.

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