New Year

Take Me To The Movies
What is it?
New Heights
Not Too Shabby
- I didn't' want to do this in the first place
- I don't have any of the tools to do this
- Yes, I used Crayola pencils
- Yes, that is a dog leash right next to the picture
- Yes, that is my favorite pencil - given to me by a friend
- I changed my mind a million times trying to get it to look just right
- I didn't have any of the right
- I didn't have my markers . . . I'm really sad about the no markers business
- Color pencils are not my strong suit
A winter coat (because all your other coats had some other guy's name on it)
Getting a design finished (and actually kind of liking it)
Spending time with great friends
Unhappiness Is:
Finding out that the Heroes finale next week could be a full blown finale, not a break for the Christmas season, due to the writers strike. I don't care so much about the strike, except when it hits my show.
fact: that just life
"Everything she is so DRAMATIC. I just makes me want to set myself on fire!" - Lucille Bluth
I admit it
By the way, I had a dream last night where Jim from The Office and I were dating. And yes, it was just as I imagined it would be.
Thanks to the G
Two stuffings
Two mashed potatoes
Two . . . well two everything
I wasn't able to go home this weekend for Thanksgiving. Instead of spending it with people who share my DNA I spent it with two different families who treat me like I do.
Why do you hate me? You lure me with promises of renewed relationships, and finding those who were previously un-findable. Well now you have me and you are evil!
and that is exactly how it was
"but mary didn't look happy when she opened the door to him."
"why was i watching that video? oh yeah, i was looking up information on that candidate . . . what is his name. that mormon."
"well what would happen if clinton was elected president."
"do you think she is the anti-christ?"
"what if it is oprah?"
"wouldn't that be awesome if the anti-christ was a woman?"
"did you know that today was her favorite things show?"
"so next year, after she announces herself as christ do you think she will give out bar codes for your forehead?"
"can you imagine that scene. 'hey everybody, it's a bar code tattoo for your forehead!"
indistinguishable screaming, and jumping by all
"can't the bar code be on your hand too?"
"check out my new hand accessory."
"i think we are all going to hell for talking about this."
"i'm not!"
"why, because you stopped making the joke 10 seconds before we did."
"well, yeah."
Log On
Hold Over

Pink Floyd (Australian)

Fight Round 2

Yes this is one long entry about KBs, but you will just have to deal because this is a very exciting day for me. Not just because of the KB but because:
- My roommates are back from Colorado
- Addie took the last of her medicine last night so I don't have to wrestle with her tonight
- I saw the man of my dreams tonight at the Kirkwood library
- The new work toys are in so I have something to work on and get to be just how I want it while there is no one else around to tell me to do it differently
- I got some of the knots worked out of my neck and back (now I am down to 3 deep instead of 4)
- Heard someone play Ben Fold's song The Luckiest on the piano (they weren't playing it for me, but I was around to hear it)
- I surveyed today, lately not a fun thing for me, but I got to use a new measuring tape with A STAKE!!!! (you wouldn't understand)
- Found out I am still going to the Australian Pink Floyd concert on Thursday
- Have I mentioned I got a KB?
- Tomorrow I get to go back to the rock wall (I am excited about it, despite the fact that I don't think I could even look at the harness without throwing up a little bit because I am in so much pain from yesterday)
I think that should cover it. Ten good things from the day. Just wait until I get back from APF and I have worked with the KB . . . maybe I should look into getting some adult diapers.
No, this isn't a nonsense diatribe about my depression battle that I have had over the years, it is a diatribe about that *^#$ wall I work at. I can't win against it.

A Scanner Darkly

I almost FORGOT
Well I'm off to wrestle with my dog . . . I mean give her some medicine.
That Face
Dream Weaver

Newest Gig
So I spent Saturday visiting my grandmother in the hospital. I am glad that I didn't know she was there until after I got to town. Mostly because it would have made the drive terrible because that would have been all I thought about. Instead I spent the 5 hours trying to think of a name for my new company. I want to use Morgan, but I don't just want to call it Morgan Graphics or something simple like that. I want the name to be witty - something that some people see and immediately know that I am referencing something obscure from a movie, or that the way I used the words was a pun - but I don't want the name to be stupid. The fact that I make it pun-ny, or obscure may make it stupid. I also know that by trying to do that I will probably not be able to use Morgan. Any suggestions?
What a November!
Have a good Friday night, see you tomorrow!

"What could make Katie's blog better? Gee, I can't think of anything right now - it seems so great already. Everything I could ever want is all here."
I totally agree, but I am finding more and more people have one picture or two to illustrate their blog point, or just to have up to say "I'm obsessed with famous people, so I am going to put up all the trash the paparazzi take." (a blog I saw recently, that made me worry about the future of our country and our obsession with famous people that have no value other than to look good in movies.) So, maybe that is what I will start doing - posting a picture. It may or may not have ANYTHING to do with the blog for that day. I will let you be the judge.
Either way - the picture today is from my first Photo Shop class. I am teaching myself Photo Shop and this was the first lesson. The picture I was given was all bright, and I had to make the one coin stand

New Feeling
So, on with where I started. I woke up early, I had to be at church a little earlier this morning for a series of events. A new class, tech, and a meeting. The day got off to a slow start, I was moving slow, and dressing slow. The last place I wanted to be was out of my bed, and I was in the thick of it having to think during the service. I sat down at the computer and I felt something different. It wasn't external, it was internal. As time went on it intensified. I found myself smiling, tapping my leg to the beat of the music, even letting my little mistakes I made go. Was it . . . dare I say it - contentment, joy perhaps? It is a weird feeling, I don't feel it enough to really know - but I think that could be it. Here's hoping to it lasting longer than 12 hours.
I'm not quite sure why I am writing this. Maybe because I'm bored. I have been up since 10 - and I haven't done anything all day but walk my dog and take a shower. I took a 2 hour nap with my dog from 1 to 3 by accident, and in a very uncomfortable position. I woke up 20 times to her kicking me in the stomach - but never actually got up so she would stop. I need to work more hours.
Entrances and Exits
Some people come into your life and stay awhile. You get a chance to really see who they are. You learn their moods, you learn there history, you see into their future, and you really get a chance to know them and enjoy them like you would a great book. Those are the people in my life that I feel like I can never get enough time with. I am blessed with too many great books, that I don't have time to give them all the attention I want - or get all the stories told I want.
None of that makes any sense. So I guess I will go to the library and get a real book.
working at the bridge is fun, but i wish i had more hours so i didn't have to make sandwiches
the indians are up 3 games to 1, but i don't think that is going to last through tonight
i want to read a really good story
actually i want you to read me a really good story - or to tell me one from your life.
New Gig(s)

And you know what happened. I didn't hear a booming voice come from the sky, or have a gentle wind blow through my hair - I got 2 phone calls, and 5 conversations with different people, and one dream job that I always imagined, but never thought it would be come a reality.
Who says God doesn't talk to people?

Vacation Day

Writers Block
the journey
each one of them leading to somewhere different
some of them are locked
some of them are open
some have windows so i can see inside
this is where i will begin
the journey stars here
in a place of in between
in a place that holds no time
in a place that seems to be lonely
there is no sign of which door will open
what if it is one i don't try
where does each door start
where does each door lead
where does each door come from
blogger play
tomorrow is the official start of week 3 of my involuntary vacation. i have actually grown tired of my vacation - i think because i haven't gone anywhere fun. mostly i hang around the house napping, reading, and watching a movie. i have applied for a few jobs, but so far nothing is really panning out. i was dragging my feet on really hitting the job search hard until i found out about one job in particular. i have wanted to work at this place for about 5 years, and now i have the opportunity. it is called the bridge - www.thebridgejoplin.com. i had a meeting with the head of it all yesterday - so it was do or die - and i guess the outcome was in the middle. i think i have a shot there if i can wait about 6 months. my money is going a long way these days, but not that far. so i either have to get a real job, or work at a minor job until the one i want becomes available. i think part of the problem is i don't know what i want to do for them. i don't really care if i sweep floors and clean bathrooms as long as i get to be there working there, the whole place just puts out this feeling that i can't describe. so when asked, what do you see doing here - i answer just being here is enough. i know that it isn't all roses and sunshine, probably most of it is the thorns and sun burn - but i honestly don't care. it is hard to tell someone that when they are in the middle of the 3rd degree burns applying aloe with band aids on their bleeding fingers. they know better than i do about it, so who am i to argue it. i guess i was most disappointed because in all of what has happened in the last 2 weeks i have seen a bigger picture, a bigger plan that i am a part of. when asking god to shut the doors he didn't want me to go through and open the one he did - i didn't expect to get shoved through one only to have it slammed and dead bolted behind me by getting fired (or being forced to quit). so i figured with something that big happening there had to be something big down the hall of doors i have available to me now. come to find out the door i want is locked with one of those chains, so i can open it a bit and see inside but i can't touch anything there. so i'm really left to wonder - where the hell is this other door i'm suppose to find.
did have a good lunch with a friend of mine. i don't know how he does it, but he always makes me feel a little bit better.
When I was growing up I had a lot of friends. I mean, I was friends with EVERYBODY. It was easier that way. Being friends with everyone meant you didn't have to share a lot about who you truly were because you had so many different friends that they just figured that you shared that inner most stuff with someone else. It was also great to have many different friends with many different tastes and activities that you never had to settle into one thing. If I was with the drama kids I could be dramatic. If I didn't feel like being a Drama Queen (shut up, it CAN happen) then I could hang out with the science and math wizards. Don't feel scholarly - go hang out with the pot smokers. I lived that life for a long time. Probably lived it until I was about half way through college. Not a good time to decide to find out who you really are - because by that time you can get yourself into a lot of trouble in your search. I settled into a rhythm when I moved to St. Louis. No one here knew me, so I could be me and no one would question it because they didn't know me any differently. This is the first place I found friends that I really connected with on a true and healthy level. At that level you start to invest in people. Those friends become a part of you somehow. I have said of some of my friends here - they are the family I chose. And I truly believe that. Some of my friends here have become like family to me - closer than the brothers and sisters I really do have.
Now . . . well now I might have to leave. I might have to leave and never come back but for visits. I might get to leave and be back in a year or two. OR, I might not leave at all. At this point everything is too much in the air for me to take a guess. I don't want to guess, because it is too painful to think of the leaving part. It would be like ripping my arm off and saying "see how you handle life without that arm." I don't know if I can leave these people and not loose a huge chunk of my heart on my way down the road.
I'm crying just thinking about it.
Day 6
Well enough of me sitting around. I guess I should go do something productive, like cleaning my room, or starting some laundry. I wonder how many times I can clean something before it is absolutely clean?
Home Office
- The hours are flexible - I can sleep as late as I want and do what I need to do around the house and still make it to work on time. If that time is 8:00am, 11:00am, or 3:00pm. I also don't have to work a full 8 or 10 hour day. I can take an hour for lunch, or jet off to run some errands, or take a break and watch an episode of Heroes Season One (of which I have been given the new box set), or play with my dog.
- There is a pre-paid gym membership - I have a free gym membership through July (I think). So I can head over there anytime I want and get my daily (right) dose of exercise if I want it.
- We have interenet access, all the word programs, SketchUp, and games right at the touch of a button.
- I am not hassled by silly rules: Like bosses reading my email, or that I even have to be wearing appropriate clothes - I could wear my pajamas for all that matters (though the difference between pajamas and my regular clothes is almost indistinguishable)
- I don't really have to drive anywhere. I can mostly just walk or bike where I need to be. No fighting rush hour traffic both ways.
- I can leave for a job interview and no one will be upset: actually I think they would be excited for me.
- My one job here is to have fun: there is no point in doing something if it isn't fun. Even the job hunt can be fun, because you get to explore opportunities that you never thought possible, with companies you never thought you could work for.
Well, I do have to run now. A lead just came back over the wire - so I am off to do some of my magic.
Movement Explained
I have struggled off and on with my job since day one. Going through times thinking that I would be better off to go somewhere else, and then having those times where I can't imagine working anywhere else. Starting this spring I started getting into that part of my life where I wasn't sure where I should be, if that was really the place for me. That feeling never went away. I was in the process of steps that would help me make a true decision once and for all. These steps included:
- Trying to schedule a meeting with the owner and my direct boss to have a performance review, something that hadn't happened in about 2 years.
- Trying to only work 40 hours a week. By doing that I was reclaiming my life outside of the office. In the process I had to loose my carpool. In looking back on that decision - it made work harder.
There were other minor steps that I was taking, mostly they included not being negative about work when I wasn't there, and trying to do the job I was given the best way I could. After all that I still felt like maybe this wasn't the place for me to be. I set myself and a few others to be praying for me. Praying that I would know what to do next. That I would be able to know if I should leave, where I should go, and how I should handle it. I have so many great friends at my workplace, that I didn't want to damage any of those relationships. I didn't want to burn any bridges, and I didn't want to leave them in a jam until they found someone to take my place.
I will not go into the details of why I don't work there. I take responsibility for those things that I did wrong, I also acknowledge I don't have all the skills they were looking for - but then the question has to be asked: why was I hired if that was a problem?
At first I was devastated. It was honestly a big surprise, coming at me from left field without warning. As the night wore on I began to see that I was now free to do whatever I want (as long as it doesn't conflict with the non compete clause I signed). So today is a new day. I am jobless, but I am not homeless, penny less, or going hungry. It is a day to start over. To sort out my feelings and my thoughts. A day to write it all down so I don't leave anything out. A day to find what the next step is, because I don't really know what that step might be. I feel energized and actually a bit excited about these next few months of my life. A time where I can see what I am really made of. This has cut through all the bull shit that I have hidden behind for years and cut to the core of who I am what I want to be. I may not be able to save my reputation there as someone who walks around with a chip on their shoulder, or that I am poor at customer service - but I can build my new reputation as I walk out in faith today.
This Path
"We all want progress. But progress means getting nearer to the place where you want to be. And if you have taken a wrong turning, then to go forward does not get you any nearer. If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; and in that case the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man . . . And I think if you look at the present state of the world, it is pretty plain that humanity has been making some big mistake. We are on the wrong road. And if that is so, we must go back. Going back is the quickest way on."
I don't feel like I was ever on the wrong path. I just feel like maybe this path isn't mine anymore. It was good for me for the time. I learned many lessons, made many friends, and I am finding that I am walking down this path a very different person than the one who started on this turn of my life. I will take that with me always, now if I could just find a map to my next destination. Maybe my next destination is on this path - only time will tell.
Dear friends, if you are reading this and you worry for me, for you, for us - take heart. For I love you all very much, and I will fight with every last breath in my body to keep you with me if this path reaches a turning point; don't borrow trouble for tomorrow.
Let Go
I am going through a few changes in my life. Taking steps that are taking me in directions I never thought possible. While working on one of those steps I hear the song Let Go by Barlow Girl. Whether you like them or not, you will just have to trust me that the lyrics were exactly what I needed to hear at that moment.
Much Ado About Nothing
3 Days
Angry Anymore
28 Words
Spent my life pleasing. Making sure I walked the straight and narrow. Took a detour where I was anything but. Now I fight to find balance between them.
28, count them if you question.
I feel like, in my life I am at a point where I need to add to my loops to my collection. I feel like I am standing at a four way intersection. If I take a left, I will continue on a loop I have been on many times before. The loop is as familiar as the back of my hand. If go straight, I will take a path that I have only traveled once or twice. I know where it is going, I know how long it will take me, and all the houses seem a lot less foreign. If I go right, I venture into a whole new neighborhood where the houses are different, and I don't know where the other streets lead. They may lead to a dead end, they may lead to a new loop, they may even continue on with no place to turn around. I guess if I go right, I will at least have my dog with me to keep me company.
Now I Know
A few observations from today:
- My neighbors just took the cover off of their pool today. It is the middle of August. In about a month they are going to have to just put it back on. Why not take it off at a time where you have 3 months to enjoy?
- I haven't written about my life here much lately - and there have been many things happening. I think I will give an update . . . later.
I guess that is all. Like I said, I have been sleeping - so there isn't much to say about this day. OHHH, I did have some crazy dreams, a mix of work related topics with my medical history. It was bazaar.
Brain Cloud
Fight Club
He Hit It
Maybe you know what it is like to be stuck. One of the phrases that best describes addiction is “temporary suicide.” He doesn’t have the stomach or the means to draw the final curtain. But he sure as hell can make this pain go away for a few hours. If you are seeking relief, look no further. This stuff will fit the bill. When there are no answers, this is the best answer. And my man has NO CHOICE in the moment. NONE.
If you don’t understand that, you don’t understand addiction. The drugs and the alcohol aren’t the problem. It’s the brain. What we’ve learned about addiction recently will blow you away. When addiction sets up in the brain, it comes to rest in the survival center. It’s where the caveman and cavewoman live. Real primal stuff. So what would you do to survive? Eat human flesh? Cut off your arm with a pocketknife? For the addict in the late stages of the disease, using is literally a matter of survival. You can’t talk them out of it. You can’t pray them out of it. You can’t guilt them out of it. You can’t even incarcerate them out of it. The only way they even
consider the possibility of quitting is when that first light bulb hits their brain: Maybe, just maybe there’s another way to ease this pain.
To read the rest, head over here: http://web.mac.com/larryvaughan/iWeb/Site/Blog/D2D82C54-FDAE-4223-8189-E7F72170FA19.html
Turn me off
i want:
i promise:
i desire:
i need:
i believe:
i love:
i hate:
i treasure:
i am:
i hope:
i know:
The Cruel Light of Reality
I hit send on an email, and immediately wanted to un-send it. That moment where you go - "oh crap. I hope they still talk to me tomorrow."
Year In Review: Part 2
ANYWAY . . .
This year was good . . . I think. To be honest I don't really remember it as a whole. That isn't to say I spent the year waisted and can't remember anything of significance - I think what I am saying is that there are few things that stick out to me. Which is good, because usually negative things stick out to me, and I think the most important thing that happened to me this year is that I learned to let some of the negative things in my life go.
Still working at Poynter Landscape (www.poynterlandscape.com for those of you keeping track), one month into year four. Funny, I didn't think I would last that long - but I have, and I am more or less liking it. My old roommate got married, so I moved, still live in a basement, but this one is much warmer. My dog and I reached a new level in our relationship, one where I realize that she is a dog and not my kid - we are much happier that way.
Lessons, or events that made 27:
1. Got up the guts to go over to a friends house and swing. Swinging, as you may or may not know, was my favorite activity as a child. So much so that any time I feel any negative emotion is makes it less, and any time I feel a positive emotion it makes it heightened. It is my personal belief that is was the spring board for my healthier mental outlook- and they might never get me to leave their backyard.
2. I quit going to counseling. This was a major event in my life - some even said I graduated, and I feel a bit like I did. The first title for this Blog was "Hey - Where Is My Couch", meaning this was where I was going to vent. Blogging wasn't enough so I went to talk to someone that had skin. Earlier this year I changed the name of my blog to "Sarcastic and Single" because I felt like I was coming to an end of the era of needing a couch (and because someone said that about me). As of a few months ago - that was true, I was at the end of the era of needing a couch. And, so it seems, the end of the era for really needing the blog (of which I already talked about in "Dear Gentle Reader").
3. Year 27 was the year of Little Miss Sunshine. I don't think I could count how many times I have seen this movie in the last year. But it has become a staple of my movie watching.
4. Finally understood my dad, and knew that maybe turning out to be like him wasn't as bad as I had originally suspected. In fact, figured if I did turn out to be like him that would probably be a good thing. I think I get him now, and the original horror of being like him as turned into wonder.
5. I learned that grief comes in many different forms, and can come from many different events - not just death. I spent the entire month of May in grief over the loss of my childhood innocence that my parents and grandparents aren't invincible.
6. I learned that no matter how normal your work shirts look - they do have your company's name on them and shouldn't be worn to social events.
7. Cancun is the closest I have come to heaven on earth. Not sure if it was the combination of the sun, the beach, the language, or the company - but it really was a great time. Only the second vacation spot that I can truly say I will go back again.
8. Wendy's disappeared from St. Louis. I never knew how much I liked Wendy's until it was gone. Now I have to travel an hour if I want a Jr. Bacon Cheese Burger, and that is just wrong. And "Oh the humanity" when they show a Wendy's commercial on TV.
9. I will not spend another New Year's Eve at a party - unless it involves a movie marathon, and me laying around in sweats eating ice cream.
10. I decided that someday I want to write. Whether it be an essay, a story, a term paper, or an instructional manual. I just know that somewhere inside of me there is a writer that wants to come out. It may not be during 28, it may not be until 82, but she is in there . . . I think she is just scared.