

do you ever have one of those days where your life just hits you - it stares right into your eyes and you see clearly what you have been shutting out for so long. sometimes i like just shutting things out because i don't have to deal with them, but that also causes spillage which i talked about 2 weeks ago. but what happens when you really see and don't shut it out? i haven't quite figured out what to do with what i just saw. it isn't necessarily bad or good, just there . . . just reality. for the past few weeks at work i have been saying that dreams don't always meet reality - where i dreamed i would be 5 years ago is not really where i ended up. that isn't bad, its just different, it could even be a better reality (the dream was really a dream world). well this is along the same lines. the reality of life was just really shocking, too much to shut out. i don't really know what to do now that i am not shutting it out. i can't even really pinpoint what it is, it is just different.

ANY WAY. I had a super day yesterday. I will talk more about it later, just not at this moment.

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