
Miss America

Hi. My name is Katie and I watched the 2006 Miss America pageant. Those of you who know me (well, or hardly at all) know that I do not care one iota about the Miss America pageant. How and why I ended up watching it is not that interesting - what is interesting is I kind of got into it toward the end. First - Miss Oklahoma was in the top 10, top 5, top 3. Second - I was pulling for Miss Arkansas because she actually had some meat on her bones and didn't look like a skeleton with boobs (she didn't make it out of the top 10). Third I pulled for Miss Georgia - she was the best (not best looking, but the best all around person - or persona that she was showing). In the end the winner was Miss Oklahoma. Not my first choice, or second, or third, but from my state none the less.

What did I learn from it all. America is a very superficial place and I can be superficial. But looking back on it I saw that no matter what they looked like they at least help people. All are involved in charity work - doing things for others. It may be done selfishly, it may be done unselfishly, but it still gets done. Sometimes it is easy to forget that life and your value isn't placed on looks. Everyday, every hour, every minute, every second you see beautiful people all over the television, magazines, and billboards. It is easy to get lost in that, thinking that I am not skinny enough, my face is weird, my hair is too straight, or my clothes just aren't right. I don't look at people's outside appearance and judge them - but I do my own. Does that make sense?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cant say I have ever taken a bat to a piece of machinery, although I have wanted to throw my dumb computer out the window. You crack me up! Oh how I miss you! I had this guest at the hotel stop by the front desk, she started talking before I looked up and I swear she was Amber Atkins in the flesh, the voice was exact!! It was sooo hilarious! I love you girl, I hope you have wonderful, ink free week.