
Tom Arnold

I am reading a book right now called "Searching for God Knows What" by Donald Miller. In one of the chapters he talks about an interview he saw with Tom Arnold where he talked about his book - "How I Lost Five Pounds in Six Years." So with me so far? Donald talking about Tom who was talking about his book? I say this only because I didn't see the interview so I can't say I did. . . but I digress. The interviewer asked Tom why he had written the book. Arnold said - most entertainers are in show business because they are broken people, looking for affirmation. "The reason I wrote this book is because I wanted something out there so people would tell me they liked me. It's the reason behind almost everything I do." Miller had to agree saying, "I had to concede my motives of faith often take a backseat to my broken nature and desire to feel validity in life . . . I like to write, but basically, subconsciously, I just want people to like me." I was asked why I did this blog thing? Why so public, why not just write in a journal or something? And I have to say those two men speak exactly how I feel. I don't know that after I write I have to have someone say that it was profound, or that it was clever, or that it was even good . . . but I do live off the comments and feedback. It helps me analyze (something that has been established that I too far too much). That is all I have to say about that.

Yesterday I spent a lot of time at Borders. I love Borders, or really any bookstore that has bargain books. I can spend hours looking at them, trying to work out the best deal on books that are already a deal. If you take me to a used bookstore, you might never get me out. I have to go with people that will pull me out after awhile, because I will get lost. So I spent a lot of time at Borders looking, reading, putting things back, picking them back up. I walked out with 4 books totaling maybe $20. One of them was the best treasure that I could ever hope to find. The one thing I like more than books - movies, and the book I found was a book on movies. It is called "Now Showing" It is 25 of the most unforgettable moments in movies. It is a book talking about the movies, movie trivia, movie facts, and a DVD showing the clip and talking about all the behind the scenes "stuff." I about wet my pants in the store. It would have been embarrassing, but understandable. I also got a book of speeches that changed the world. I think I will be writing more about that as time goes on and I read some of the speeches. Speeches by greats like Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, JFK, Mother Teresa, and of course George W. After that it was off to Kirkwood to learn about Bob Dylan. I don't know much about him, I just wanted something different to do - so I did. I think I might like his music, I haven't heard much of it, but what I heard last night might have made me a fan.

I started a new class on Thursday - a stained glass class. I love it. I can say that because I really love it. Sometimes I do things and after I do them I wonder how I really lived without doing that or knowing how to do it - that is how I felt. I spent over an hour today picking out my glass. It took forever, because I have ideas in my head, but I don't know if they make all those colors and look for them specifically. I guess it is from a job where I color for a living, I have colors in my head that can be made on paper but not on glass. But I think I have it down now. But, the problem is when it is done I am going to wish it was a different color. Maybe I will just make it again and again until I get it right. Or I could just let it go . . . but I don't know if that is possible for me.

I guess that is all I know. Today was more of a diary entry, meaning I just regurgitated my day, but it was more than that - you got to know me a little better. Now you know to leave comments because they are what ultimately drives me. As for me right now I am suffering through Robin Hood Prince of Thieves. The only Kevin Cosner movie for me is Tin Cup . . . but I will leave that for another entry.

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