
Routers and Wireless Cards

I am writing my first post from my very own computer. It isn't that the computer is new - it is quite old. It is more like I have never had it hooked up to the internet since moving 8 months ago. I have been relying on my roommates computer and kindness. Well I have decided to hook up - nothing bad about my roommates computer or kindness, just a move in the direction of technology. So with router and wireless card in hand I embarked on this journey of computer set up. Was it easy? No. Was it fun? Yes. Did I have help? Absolutely. So, I don't know how it all worked out - I am sure it was from the free tech support that I harvest from work. More later, I have some good thoughts brewing in my head right now. I just don't know where to start with them. Maybe tomorrow while I have some time off.

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