
Going Through the Phases

Phase 10 that is. That is one of my phase wins . . . no wait, I did get the phase but I lost the hand.

You might wonder what a woman like me does during her last week off before school starts back up. Well she might work on her thesis so she doesn't have to work so hard on it during the semester, or she might get in some extra fun reading in, or maybe she would even get up early and get some of her Christmas presents sent out that she hasn't mailed yet, or maybe her thank you cards out . . . this particular woman did none of those things today. As a mater of fact I did none of those things. I slept in until about 11 (not the record for this break though), worked on cleaning up my office and room, then I made one of the worst dinners on record and kicked booty on Phase 10 (for the first time ever to play, thank you very much). I did have a good teacher though and that makes the difference.

Day 2:

  • Found my 3-D glasses from when we went to see "Avatar" before Christmas. They are the best! They look cool and they are so functional . . . if you are in a theater where you need 3-D glasses to see the show.
  • Run time: None, doing an every other day thing for now. Thinking about going to the gym on the off days and doing weights. I haven't done that in a few years.
  • Run distance: Unless you count the number of steps I took from my office to the living room all day there isn't any.
  • Feeling: SORE! I forgot this phase of getting back into it all. I woke up this morning and my abs even hurt. That means I have some wimpy abs.


Beth Sinak said...

I love Phase 10! Could be one of the best games ever created. Now when you come back for a visit, we'll have to play :)

jimmah said...

sexy glasses!!